Every year we find larger numbers of patients attending this hospital for various complaints to be actually suffering from different types of cancer. Since cancer incidence is rapidly rising in our country, this trend is going to continue and perhaps set to become more pronounced everyday. These patients need speedy but correct oncological treatment. Many of them can neither afford the cost of private hospitals nor the wait in a government hospital. The problem is harsher for the older people who suffer from other medical conditions and need specialized care. We realized that it will be a worthy service to the community if we could develop a comprehensive oncological service combining the personalized and one to one care of a community hospital and the modern standards of cancer treatment at an affordable and low cost.
Towards this aim we started work by establishing a separate oncology ward and renovated and modernized our operation theatres to carry out major and extensive cancer surgeries. With the help of senior oncologists of Calcutta and with close co-operation of larger treatment centers we have already treated a good number of cancer patients with major surgeries and chemotherapy as also with supportive and palliative care to those who came late. We sincerely claim that our specially trained team of critical care specialists experienced to look after aged and very sick people, intensive care units with minimal cost, 24- hour lab service, facilities and ambiences of our 14 bedded oncology ward, and a very dedicated and efficient nursing staff do make it possible for us to satisfy our patients to a level few hospitals can.
Our consultants have wide experience having served specialized cancer hospitals for long periods and are specially trained to treat head and neck cancers with reconstruction, breast cancers, and all abdominal cancers including gynecological and urological cancers. For diagnosis, staging, and treatment we follow the international guidelines as issued from time to time by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network of USA and European Society of Medical Oncologists. We also have free counseling and rehabilitation clinics for breast cancer patients run by NGOs like Mastectomy Association of India and developing a clinic for stoma management.
Surgical Oncology
- Dr. Arunabha Sengupta – MS
- Dr. Saradindu Ghosh- MS
Medical Oncology
- Dr Pradeep Kumar Mondal- MD, DM (Medical Oncology)