Multispeciality Dental Clinic
The Calcutta Heart Clinic & Hospital Society, since its inception, stands with its firm objectives to provide all sorts of socio-medical services to all strata of the society with special attention to the under-privileged . With this mission, a dental department was running since last half of a decade, providing best possible dental treatment within our limitations. During this process, with the increasing love and support from all our beloved patients and well wishers, we have come up with an Updated Multispeciality Dental department with a team of expert Consultants, Doctors, Nurses and Para medical staffs. On one hand, it is unique for its warm hospitality and deep affection. On the other, it aims at providing aesthetically pleasing high quality and affordable comprehensive totality dental treatment under optimum sterilization standards.
List Of Consultants
- Prof. (Dr.) Nupur Banerjee – MDS, Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.
- Prof. (Dr.) Swapan Majumder – MDS, Prosthodontia.
- Prof. (Dr.) Sanjib Mitra – MDS, Oral Pathology.
- Asso. Prof. (Dr.) Debjit Roy – MDS, Pedodontia.
- Dr. Sudeshna Kar – MDS, Orthodontia.
- Dr. Dipak Giri – BDS, Dental surgeon.
- Dr. Reshma Abdin – BDS, Dental Surgeon.
- Dr. Rijabul H. Mollick – BDS, Dental Surgeon.
- Dr. Sudipta Ghosh Adhikari – BDS, Dental surgeon.