Critical care is a speciality of medicine which involves specialized treatments for people who have life-threatening illnesses or injuries. It usually takes place in a critical care unit (CCU) or intensive care unit (ICU). A team of specially-trained health care providers give continuous care to the patients. Critical careunit includes various devices and machines which are used to monitor the patient and to provide organ support constantly.
Calcutta Heart Clinic and Hospital constitutes a devoted highly efficient, experienced and empathetic team of critical care doctors who deal with the patients suffering from life-threatening conditions.
The Critical care facility is equipped with 4 units namely CCU, ITU, ICU and HDU with a capacity of 43 beds. The critical care units having state-of-the-art equipment like Non-invasive ventilation, HFNC, advanced ventilators, bedside dialysis, bed side bronchoscopy, echocardiography and ultrasonography, temporary pacemaker, invasive hemo-dynamic motoring, therapeutic external warming etc.
We deal with
Critical Care Team (CCT)