The Hospital has a modern pathological laboratory, the quality and accuracy of its reports assisting the Clinicians in making accurate clinical decisions.
The laboratory offers services in Biochemistry, Hematology, Immunoassays, Clinical Pathology, Cytology and Histopathology. The entire operations is facilitated by a team of highly dedicated, sincere & experienced technical staff who are fully committed to maintain the high standard of work & accuracy. To achieve this, the laboratory is always vigilant and quality practices are adhered to. The Laboratory works on a 24×7 hour schedule throughout the year and has four qualified Consultants to enable smooth, round-the-clock functioning across Departments.
All three Departments have been successfully participating in External Quality Assurance Programs conducted at National level by organizations like AIIMS, IAMM and CMC Vellore. Quality control programs as recommended by the instrument manufacturers are strictly adhered to. The laboratory also has a well-structured DMLT training programme in place.
- Biochemistry:
The discipline of Biochemistry deals with the study of the chemistry behind biological processes and the synthesis of biologically active molecules, thus assisting the Clinician in uncovering the pathophysiology of disease processes. The Department performs routine clinical biochemistry assays on high throughput fully automated analyzers. Serum as well as urinary electrolyte estimation, liver function tests, glucose and lipid profiles, urine chemistry including urinary albumin, protein, as well as 24 hour urinary urea, creatinine etc are also evaluated routinely.
Analytes required in critical care medicine like C-reactive protein, Procalcitonin, d-Dimer, CK-MB, CPK, HS Trop–I, NT-proBNP and IL-6 etc as well as those essential in diabetic care like HbA1c are routinely evaluated. The laboratory also carries out quantification of tumor markers like PSA. Hormone and vitamin assays performed include full thyroid profile (T3, T4, FT4 with TSH). prolactin. vit.D, vit.B12 and folic acid. Body fluid chemistry analysis on ascitic, pleural, pericardial and cerebrospinal fluid samples are also performed.
To this end, the laboratory is equipped with state of the art instruments like Medica Easylyte, Cobas Integra 400 Plus, Cobas c 111, Cobas e 411, bioMérieux mini Vidas and Bio Rad D-10. - Microbiology:
Microbiology is the branch concerned with the diagnosis of infectious diseases. The Microbiology section in our Hospital is equipped to perform various routine stains as well as Culture & Antibiotic Sensitivity testing on bacterial pathogens.
The Laboratory is equipped with specific technical staff and equipments to perform this testing manually and on automated systems. Automated culture facilities like BacT Alert are available for testing blood and body fluids. The Antibiotic sensitivity interpretation is done both manually and on automated system like Vitek 2. Routine fungal stains and fungal culture are carried out in addition. Serological tests for Dengue (NS1. IgG, IgM) , Scrub Typhus IgM, HIV I/II, anti HCV and Hbs Ag are performed by ELISA and on platforms like Cobas e 411. - Hematology and Clinical Pathology :
The departments of hematology and clinical pathology perform a wide variety of testing on whole blood, serum, urine, cerebrospinal fluids and other body fluids on a daily basis. The laboratory is equipped with hematology analyzers like Sysmex XN-350 and Sysmex XP-100. Routine coagulation studies are performed on the Sysmex CA 101 analyzer. Peripheral smear examination, bone marrow aspirate cytology and reticulocyte estimation studies are done additionally. - Cytology and histopathology :
Reporting of fine needle aspiration samples (both USG/CT – guided and image- unassisted) , bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid, serous effusions with/without cell block , gynecological exfoliative cytology (Pap stains) as well as histopathology specimens are performed routinely.