General Rules
  • Admission and Billing section functions 24×7
  • Outside medicines and foods are not allowed within hospital premises
  • Kindly surrender the visitor passes to reception at the time of discharge
  • Children below 12 years are strictly not allowed in any ward.
  • Flowers and gifts are not allowed inside hospital
  • Please do not tip any staff member
  • Please co-ordinate with Floor manager for any query/clarification
  • Please do not leave any belongings Et valuables with the patient, hospital is not
    responsible for the same
  • Patient meals are served as per instruction of the doctor and dietician.
  • Communication with doctors:
    • 7am-8am : Call to ward doctor
    • 2pm-3pm : Meet/ call with Consultant doctor
    • 6pm-7pm : video calling with patients in COVID wards
Visiting Hours
  • Non COVID Areas : Only one  person is  allowed during visiting hours 12.00-12.30
  • COVID / Pre COVID wards : No visiting hour
  • Bed charges are calculated on calendar date.
  • Beds are subject to availability. (No advance bed booking)
  • Room/Ward bed tariffs include charges for patient’s diet, nursing, attendant and RMO charges.
  • Please contact the billing department for provisional bill on daily basis.
  • Only cash/credit or debit cards/DD/Bank Transfer are accepted.
  • All refunds above 10,000 will be processed by cheque
  • Please carry all the money receipts at the time of discharge
  • Please contact the TPA Desk or the floor manager for any assistance.

Disclaimer – All the information mentioned on the website are subjected to change. You are requested to verify the same with the hospital